About Us
Early Learning Connection is led by Baringa in partnership with the University of Canberra, Canberra Institute of Technology, Early Childhood Australia and a early learning centres across the ACT!
The current round is funded by the National Careers Institute for women returning to the workforce, or seeking to progress in their career. This program is open to residents of the ACT (Canberra, Australia) and Capital Region.
Please contact us to become an Early Learning Connection partner.
Participating Centres
Belconnen / Gungahlin
Baringa Early Learning Centre - Spence
Belconnen Early Childhood Centre (Capital Region Community Services) - Belconnen
Charnwood Childcare and Preschool (Edge Early Learning) - Charnwood
Cooinda Cottage (North Belconnen Community Association) - Charnwood
Evatt Preschool (Woden Community Services) - Evatt
Flynn Early Childhood Education Centre (North Belconnen Community Association) - Flynn
Ginninderra Early Childhood Centre (Capital Region Community Services) - Belconnen
Higgins Childcare and Preschool (Edge Early Learning) - Higgins
Ngunnawal Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Ngunnawal
Ngunnawal Childcare and Preschool (Edge Early Learning) - Ngunnawal
Spence Children’s Cottage (YWCA Canberra) - Spence
Winyu Early Childhood Service (YWCA Canberra) - Gungahlin
Wonderschool Taylor (Wonderschool) - Taylor
Wonderschool Macgregor (Wonderschool) - Macgregor
Abacus Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Parkes
Acacia Early Education and Care Centre (Community Services #1) - Barton
Bruce Early Childhood Centre (Capital Region Community Services) - Bruce
Bruce Ridge Early Childhood Centre (Capital Region Community Services) - Bruce
Campbell Cottage (YWCA Canberra) - Campbell
Capital Hill Early Childhood Centre (Communities at Work) - Canberra
Currawong Early Childhood Service (YWCA Canberra - Barton
Forrest Early Education and Care Centre (Community Services #1) - Forrest
Marlee Early Education and Care Centre (Community Services #1) - Narrabundah
MOCCA - Manuka Childcare Centre - Manuka
Narrabundah Cottage (Community Services #1) - Narrrabundah
Narrabundah Early Childhood Service (Communities at Work) - Narrabundah
Wonderschool Dickson (Wonderschool) - Dickson
Woden / Weston Creek
Lollipop Early Learning Centre (Woden Community Services) - Woden
Lyons Early Learning Centre (Woden Community Services) - Lyons
Stirling Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Stirling
Wonderschool Woden (Wonderschool) - Phillip
Appletree House Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Wanniassa
Conder Early Childhood Service (YWCA Canberra) - Conder
Greenway Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Greenway
Illoura Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Wanniassa
Isabella Plains Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Isabella plains
Isabella Plains Early Childhood Service (Communities at Work) - Isabella Plains
Richardson Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Richardson
Taylor Child Care and Education Centre (Communities at Work) - Kambah
Wonderschool Redhill (Wonderschool) - Redhill
Wonderschool Conder (Wonderschool) - Conder
Capital Region
Fairley Early Childhood Service (YWCA Canberra) - Murrumbateman
Our Team
PJ Aguilar
PJ Aguilar is the Executive Officer at Baringa, our not-for-profit, incorporated organisation and registered charity, supporting generations of families for over 40 years and is a key driver in the early childhood education sector.
At a time of economic challenges, she believes programs such as Early Learning Connection, provides hope and a framework for community to come together and make a difference for ourselves today and our future generations.
Over the last 19 years, PJ has been fortunate to have roles across business, government, academia and community development. She has a Bachelor of Psychology degree with a background in coaching, training and social impact programs.
Previously, PJ was Assistant Director at the Australian Government Office for Women, and Account Manager for Early Childhood Education, Community Grants Hub. PJ has done social research, consulting, worked for allied health services, ran her own wellness business.
She was a Finalist in the 2022 Canberra Women in Business Social Impact Award, is a member of Children First Alliance, ACT Government's Best Start: First 1000 Days Advisory Committee, and remains an eternal optimist!
Zamela Gina
Zamela is a spirited woman of Solomon Island and Australian descent, whose experience living across the pacific has inspired great interest in global histories, cultures and love for a good feed. Curious by nature, she believes in the power of ideas and kindness.
Zamela is a passionate advocate for children's rights and has been working in the Early Learning industry since she was 18! She has her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies at the University of Sydney, majoring in Political Economy and Modern History. She plans to write an honours thesis on the Early Learning Industry in 2023!
Peta Obersteller
Peta has a passion for early education, she has worked in the Early childhood sector for over 20 years and is currently studying her Bachelor of Early Childhood Education at Charles Sturt University.
Peta combines her years of Knowledge and experience in the early childhood sector into her role as an Educator Coach, a role in which she can help future Early childhood educators, in balancing their personal and professional goals and commitments as well as their own well-being.
"coaching is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction"
Ellen Ayamiseba
Ellen has worked in the Early Childhood Education and Care sector for 12 years. She holds a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care and has been a Team leader and educator within this time. She believes in the importance of providing safe, positive, and nurturing environments that are welcoming, secure, and supportive.
Ellen has extensive experience in working with children, families, and the wider community. Through her years of working in the sector she has transferred her skills, abilities and experiences into her current working role which is to support and empower women as they return into the workforce.
Ellen is dedicated to making a difference in people's lives, she has recently completed qualifications in community development, community services and youth work. Which has enabled her to enhance her capability in understanding new and developing knowledge of the community sector in the service of delivery in supporting a diverse client base.
Along with her community qualifications she has leadership strategies in coaching and mentoring. Ellen has a passion for making a difference in supporting people which keeps her motivated to continue to learn, develop and excel in the early childhood education and care sector.
No! We welcome everyone to join our program. You will gain experience working at an Early Learning Centre with us.
No! You do not need to already be working and you do not have to quit your current job. We cater to your needs and commitments, and work with you one-on-one to decide what the best path forward is.
Yes! We are working with centres across Canberra and advocate for flexible hours. This can include working during school hours.
To participate in our program you must:
Identify as a woman.
Hold or be able to obtain a Working with Vulnerable People Card (we can help you apply for this).
For the UC Stream you will need to have a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Currently our program caters to the following:
Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents
New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents (or dual citizenship holders of either Australia or New Zealand);
Australian permanent humanitarian visas.
Our CIT Program includes a range of Visas, please get in contact for a full list or refer to: https://www.act.gov.au/skills/students/australian-apprenticeships/eligible-visa-holders

Complete online form to get started
Complete online form at your earliest convenience to be part of the next cohort
CONTACT 0474 744 802 connect@baringa.org.au